Can you catch herpes from a towel?
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Can You Catch Herpes From a Towel? (Updated!)

Why You Can’t Catch Herpes from a Towel (and Other Hilarious Myths You Can Stop Worrying About) When it comes to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), herpes is one of the most misunderstood. Herpes is like the “shark in the swimming pool” of the STI world—people know it’s a problem, but they often overestimate where and…

Herpes Gladiatorum among high school wrestlers

Herpes Gladiatorum is a growing problem for high school wrestlers

Herpes Gladiatorum– BusinessWeek- In addition to the collegiality and competitive spirit that typifies team sports, one dermatologist cautions that players may be sharing something far less desirable: contagious skin infections.  “Herpes simplex is so common among wrestlers where skin-to-skin contact is unavoidable that the condition is termed herpes gladiatorum,” said Adams. “Treatment includes oral antiviral…