MTV is looking for people living and dating with herpes between the ages of 18-21 for their new documentary series.

Are you living with herpes and dated someone off of a herpes dating site or found love from one? Are you between the ages of 18-27?  If so, MTV wants to hear from you!

A producer from MTV emailed us a few days ago about their upcoming series which will focus on people living with herpes, dating online and their story.  They are looking for individuals or couples right now.  From our conversation, this will be a serious series. Herpes is one of the last remaining medical conditions where is it still acceptable to be the butt of many jokes and MTV hopes to change this.  This holds especially true for the younger audience where new cases of herpes is skyrocketing.  This will be a great opportunity to not only tell your story but help educate others on what living with herpes and dating online is like from a personal perspective.

Here is what they are looking for:

New MTV web docu-series is looking for people like you

MTV is looking for people who have looked for love or found love using a herpes dating site to be interviewed for our new web series, premiering later this year. While 1 in 6 people in the United States has herpes, for many people it is a subject that is hard to talk about and often misunderstood. To our young viewers, this will be a great opportunity to tell them the real story of how it effects looking for love.

MTV’s new web series
Is a fun, sincere look into unique internet communities, whose members are striving to improve their lives in some way. This episode will focus on a personal account of what it’s like to be a person dating online with herpes and what it’s like having a dating site especially designed for this need.

Who we’re looking for:

18-27 year olds who have used a herpes specific dating site to look for love.  Male or Female.  If you found your current girlfriend, boyfriend, hubby or wifey on a herpes dating site, even better!

If Interested, or want to learn more:
Please email us at

We know a lot of people will see this on here so the producer created a separate email address for this, hence the @gmail address.  When he originally contacted us, he did have an official MTV email address.

So, if you want to tell your story and possibly be on TV then send an email to them ASAP as they are looking for people now.



Until next time, stay awesome!
-Team HWerks

HWerks is more than just a website – it’s a vibrant, supportive community dedicated to empowering individuals living with herpes. We’re committed to breaking down stigma, providing reliable resources, and advancing meaningful connections. Whether you’re seeking support or simply want to make new friends who understand your journey, HWerks is your place. Join Us!

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  1. It’s interesting you were choosing 18 years to 27 years. The people that grew up with MTV when MTV started is the age that herpes is at its highest rate. In fact research shows that herpes spreads more in a retirement home that it does you’re younger generations. Although your age bracket is still a large number. I truly hope that this project you are doing is to possibly break a social stigma on what really is known as cold sores. I hope these kids that you interview know the difference between HSV-1 and HSV-2 and know that pretty much everyone has it in their system just not everyone knows about it. I hope they also inform you that most doctors do not know what needs to be known about this virus as well as not including the test and your standard STD testing. If you truly want to help, if of course that’s why you’re doing this, it’s best for you, yourself to visit, [Website].
    You should also look up Runner Girl.

  2. Herpes is more than ‘cold sores’. It produces severe physical and mental and long term problems — dietary changes required, new dating rules, symptoms such as headaches, leg pain/numbness, painful lesions on genitals & surrounding skin that can last 7-10 days and occur ever 2-3 weeks, brain infection, alzheimer connection, blindness potential, etc. Downplaying the lifelong disease, yes Herpes is a disease, will do no good. Inform FULLY. I agree that doctors are not well informed and do not inform their patients properly. That is SHOCKING and inexcusable. I believe that is encouraging the spread of the disease. CHANGES required asap!! I am happy MTV is addressing this stigma and serious health danger. INFORMATION is the key.

  3. I’m 32, I’ve had herpes II for 9 years. I had been alone for 5 years then met someone who knew and didn’t tell me. I always told every person that I have been with and had serious relationships and a kid since then. That has never stopped anybody, nobody that I have been with has it that I am aware of. I only get outbreaks a few times a year and it isn’t anything like what is shown on Google images, one or two bumps and I Just don’t do anything during those times. I got out of a two and a half year abusive relationship in may. I’ve been with two people sexually since then and alot of people that I have told seem not to care but I’m still looking for a relationship. The online dating hasn’t gone so well for me this time. It isn’t easy having that but my life isn’t over because of it, I think it’s really terrible the stigma that is attached to that when in reality it isn’t really all that bad. I Just hope they do hurry up and find a cure for something that seems so simple. When they do I will definitely not feel as bad about myself or struggle everytime having to tell someone hoping I don’t rejected because of it. I’m a great person that anyone would be lucky to have.

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